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Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). Any sexually active person can get it. In fact, more than one out of every six people ages 14 to 49 have genital herpes.

The bad news is:  herpes is not curable.

The good news is: it can be treated with medication to prevent outbreaks..

Treatment & Pricing

Wedding day coming up? Big vacation planned? A pill a day keeps the outbreaks away. To suppress future outbreaks, we offer auto refill prescriptions of Valacyclovir.

Preventive Treatments
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Valacyclovir (generic Valtrex®) is an FDA-approved antiviral medication used to treat genital herpes. Whether you want to stop an outbreak at its onset, prevent future outbreaks, or lessen the severity, Valacyclovir can help.

Acute Treatments
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Acute treatments are medications you can take to stop an outbreak immediately. For acute treatment, start Valacyclovir 1000 mg at the onset or when you develop symptoms prior to your outbreak.

Valacyclovir (generic Valtrex®) is an FDA-approved antiviral medication used to treat outbreaks of oral herpes. If you feel the onset of a cold sore before it happens, one day of Valacyclovir (1000 mg tablet morning and night) can stop the outbreak or lessen the severity.

Want relief from the privacy of your home? Your Alpha Provider can help.

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Learn About Genital Herpes

Do you suffer from genital herpes? What are the symptoms and what triggers it? How can you avoid infecting others?

Symptoms & Triggers
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  • Blisters that may become painful ulcers
  • Tingling
  • Pain
  • Burning
  • Itching


  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Illness, such as a cold, fever, or flu
  • Menstrual period
  • Strong sunlight exposure
How to Avoid Infecting Others
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  • Avoid having vaginal, anal, or oral sex when you have herpes symptoms
  • Talk to your Alpha Provider about taking an anti-herpes medication every day
  • Get screened for other STIs if you are having unprotected sex

How it works

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Describe your Symptoms

Answer questions about your health condition online.

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Connect with a medical provider

A medical provider will review your responses and send an appropriate treatment plan. Your care is evidence-based and personalized at every visit.

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Get whole-person care

Your care team will respond to any questions through our secure messaging platform and you can get medication at your preferred pharmacy.

Even More with Alpha Membership

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Exclusive Benefits

Up to 2 medical visits covered per month, and get additional visits at a special rate

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Mental Health and Weight Loss

Choose Alpha Membership Plus for $64/month to access weight loss, diabetes, and mental health services

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