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How wrinkles form

Hello Alpha Team

July 17, 2020

Wrinkles form due to breakdown of elastin and collagen in the dermis (the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis which forms our true skin, containing blood capillaries, nerve endings, sweat glands, hair follicles, and other structures). Most skincare treatments that claim to work don’t work because they don’t reach the lower levels of skin.

There are two different types of wrinkles:

  • Dynamic wrinkles, which develop due to repeated muscle movements, such as smile lines around the mouth.
  • Static wrinkles, which are caused by environmental factors, lifestyle habits and the aging process. Static wrinkles are visible even when your face is at rest and often deepen over time.

As we get older, our skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, as well as less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin. Facial expressions such as repeatedly smiling, frowning, or squinting can lead to fine lines and wrinkles at a younger age. When a person is young, the skin springs back, but as we get older, our skin loses its flexibility. Springing back becomes harder and less frequent, resulting in more permanent grooves.

Regular smoking accelerates the aging process of skin, because of the reduced blood supply to the skin. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, and dry skin is more likely to wrinkle. Our skull also shrinks after the age of 60, and with less bone to prop it up, our skin sags more.





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